Hey!! My name is Brittany, and I am a scrunchy momma. In this blog I will post about anything from cloth diapering, reasons why I chose not to vaccinate, how I use my essential oils (and what company), to recipes and other things that pop into my head that I want to share! I'm glad you're here and I hope you learn something, or can teach me something! Thank you for stopping by!
Friday, August 5, 2016
A short story about why I am natural. :)
Hi! My name is Brittany, and I am a small town stay at home mom and wife. My husband and I have been married going on 3 years this December. We have two boys, 6 years old and 16 months old. I am a scrunchy momma. what is a scrunchy mommam, you ask? Well there are silky moms, crunchy moms, and scrunchy moms, which are in between. I lean more towards crunchy though. Crunchy moms do things all natural, like home births, breastfeeding, baby wearing, co-sleeping, peaceful parenting, cloth diapering, homeschooling, not vaccinating, questioning modern doctors, things like that. Silky moms dont question routine doctor suggestions, vaccinate, let their babies sleep in cribs, use more discipline such as spanking and time outs, dispoable diapers. Scrunchy moms are moms that do things from both. I personally do not vaccinate my children anymore, breastfeed, birth in hospitals, which that may change next go around, depending on circumstances. I cloth diaper most of the time, I use essential oils for everything, from preventing sickness to chemical free cleaners for our home. I baby wear and use strollers, I usually don't take my kids to the doctor unless its something severe or something that won't go away. I use esential oils at the first sign of ANY sickness, and they have worked wonderfully for us! I have started eating more clean, and we just started working on getting rid of gluten and most dairy, right now we just don't drink cows milk, because it's for cows, not humans. ;) I would like to one day homeschool, but it's not in the cards for us right now. So I can see myself being full blown crunchy one day! Now I didn't start out this way. When my oldest was born, I was 18 years old, and I did everything the doctors said, because "hey, they're doctors, they know everything, right?" I did the scheduled vaccines, CIO, turned his carseat forward facing (gasp! I am so glad I didn't get into an accident with him with me!) when he was 1 year and 20 lbs. We ate pretty unhealthy food, all that normal mainstream American stuff. (Except for circumcision, because he was on Medicaid, and at the time, Medicaid didn't cover circumcisions, and we didn't have the money for it, even though his dad wanted it done.) It was about 2 1/2 years ago that I realized how unhealthy we ate and I tried to go Vegan. What made me realize how unhealthy it was, was when I took a Nutrition class at the local community college. I did not finish the semester as I had concentration and procrastination problems. Then about 2 years ago, I was introduced to essential oils. My oldest son was at his grandparents for the night and my husband was off working his second job, and my neighbor invited me to a class. I went, having no idea what essential oils even were. I fell in love with them immediately, and started buying products as soon as we had the money a month later. I kept using them, and researching them, and all the chemicals that are in our daily products and foods, and what they do to our bodies. (yuck!!) I used the oils for about a year before I decided I wanted to be part of the business, I started talking to the woman that did the first class I went to and she has helped me so much, and now I'm REALLY getting serious about the business. And this business is SO AMAZING you guys, just so much about them! All of their products are tested and they do a lot of research before making any products, and they help out the farmers that give us our precious oils so much, And their compensation plan is different than all the other network marketing businesses, I LOVE IT!!!! Anyways, so the oils were a big part of being natural, and I have friends who posted on social media about things like vaccines and circumcision that made me research those things. Let me tell you what, I HATE school, but I LOVE learning about things that effect our daily lives. I think that's about it for now, Thanks for stopping by and reading my short novel. :)
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